Wednesday, 17 December 2014

the thirty in thirty days scrafitto challenge

Hi fellow enthusiasts, my name is Lois Parker.

I love working with fused glass.

I first tried this a couple of years ago, and got my first kiln about this time last year.  I find the process of having to wait so long (a whole day!) while the kiln does its stuff is very good for me.  I am a hasty person, and the enforced thinking time and not being able to fiddle works well.

When I cook I like to bake- get the ingredients sorted and then wait and see what comes out of the oven.  I've always dislike making sauces- all that tasting and stirring and thinking and modifying.   Painting is a lot like sauce making.  Fused glass work is more like baking.

Great advantage of glass work over baking is that the ingredients and product don't go off so fast.  I also like the way glass can be reused if you don't like what happened the first time, or if stuff is dropped and broken.

This is a bluebell wood I made this summer, rather oddly cropped.  Main computer is off for repairs so just using a picture that happens to be available.

Friday, 12 December 2014

Sgrafito challenge

testing the linking process for the 30 in 30 January drawing challenge